The Story of How MoonCEP® was Created


At Re-Engineered Brain Coaching we offer our students a comprehensive learning environment, filled with a variety of support and services. Ever since we got our start in 2017, Re-Engineered Brain Coaching Inc. has been supporting individuals with a wide variety of learning challenges including those created by brain injury and concussion, dyslexia, stroke, ADD/ADHD, Parkinson’s Syndrome, Bi-Polar Disorder, and more. Students come from the Kelowna area and beyond. No change in education will occur until the teacher is willing to change. The school offers a curriculum based on Natural Law, where all of Life is honoured. It is a radical approach and requires the teacher to have an inner knowing of the self. How does one teach with this in mind? Teacher training in MoonCEP and the Wisdom Curriculum is available. Please call 778-988-4585 for more information. We are here to help you!

Gratitude is the Neuroplasticity of Life

What We Do

Re-Engineered Brain Coaching started as a cognitive rehabilitation program that provided an enriched learning environment designed to help the learning challenged student get ahead. Founded in 2017 by Christina Limmer PhD., the school continues to reflect the diverse needs and backgrounds of its learning challenged students. The fundamentals of neuroplasticity are incorporated into learning strategies that build thought processes to average functioning. 

In keeping with an evolving society and demands of a reformed education system, the school also offers a program for all categories of students who require new tools for navigating the world. The Wisdom Curriculum provides students of all ages guidance in achieving personal fulfillment. An altered education system requires an actual paradigm shift in consciousness, moving away from the old way of ‘doing’ things to a new way of ‘being’ our authentic selves.

“If you don’t go within, you go without.”

Going within establishes feel good results:

Being more flexible and accepting

Bring healing to old and new wounds

Feeling of well being, balanced, and whole

*The Limmer Re-Engineered Brain Coaching Program and The Moon Cognitive Enhancement Program is protected by trademark and copyright laws.


Christina Limmer holds a Bachelors Degree in Education, a Masters Degree in Clinical Counselling, and a PhD in Theocentric Psychology (U. of Sedona, Az.) with an emphasis on Holistic Life Counselling. Her interests include brain injury research and rehabilitation, spiritual counselling, and energy medicine healing practices. Christina Limmer is a certified EMDR practitioner, and teaches EFT or tapping, a useful tool using your own body’s healing energy power. Christina is a former member of the Alberta Olympic Weightlifting Team and is a Master Red Seal Chef.

our program

Wisdom is Knowledge Applied

When we give children wisdom, we do not tell them what to know or what is true. We show them how to get to their own truth. You cannot ignore knowledge in favour of wisdom as a certain amount of knowledge is necessary to be passed on. However, the smaller the amount the better. Knowledge can be forgotten but wisdom lasts the ages.

Everyone has a contribution for the world, every person and every child. It is our rational approach in learning that creates barriers in education. The kids that “don’t fit” use something that we have neglected to recognize – the magical approach. Let’s get out of our head where we ruminate on the old way of doing things and sink into the heart and soul of a new way of teaching and learning.

In addition to Christina’s contributions in helping individuals with learning challenges, she offers a full curriculum based on principles of Universal Love which lead us to our innate Wisdom. The Wisdom Curriculum is comprised of 17 distinct modules and was developed for individuals of all learning capacities, ages 8 to 80. On average, each module takes approximately 4 months to complete. The modules include subject areas such as Understanding Power, Peaceful Conflict Resolution, Honesty and Responsibility, Diversities and Similarities, and Ethical Economics, to name a few. The 17 modules can easily be integrated into any standard curriculum including mathematics, psychology, sociology, law, language arts, and the trades.

A new education plan not only helps to inform, it builds character as well. As a sovereign being are you able to set clear boundaries that protect your dignity, your time and your health? Have you accessed ‘ways of being’ that not only inform you how to nurture your relationships, but that also bring to your awareness your purpose in life? The Wisdom Curriculum engages all of these areas and ultimately helps create a societal culture of caring, trust and unity.

Full teacher training is available.

We recognize research from many leaders in the field of brain function: Drs. Guy Berard, Michael Merzenich, Candace Pert, Alexander Luria, Mark Rosenzweig, Jill Bolte Taylor, Torkel Klingberg, Joe Dispenza, and Bruce Lipton. Major contributors in the field include Barbara Arrowsmith-Young and Jeanette Farmer.

A Better School

The Wisdom Curriculum is based on three principles: Awareness, Honesty, and Responsibility. It is presented in such a way to inform all ages and proposes everyone has a contribution for this world, every adult and every child, no exceptions. It is the rational approach that creates barriers in education. The students that “don’t fit” use something that we as a society have neglected to recognize – the magical approach (inner knowing) to finding solutions and moving forward in life.

A Curriculum Based on Wisdom

A true Master is not the one with the most students, but one who creates the most Masters. A true leader is not the one with the most followers, but one who creates the most leaders. A true king is not the one with the most subjects, but one who leads the most to royalty. A true teacher is not the one with the most knowledge, but one who causes the most others to have knowledge.

Our Responsibility

As educators, teaching from the perspective of wisdom: (1) You must have the wherewithal and imagination to create a safe space in which children can learn the consequences of their choices safely without trying them out in the world. They will then understand how to align themselves with their choices. (2) Teach them they are as powerful as they need to be, to create whatever they need in life without having to hurt themselves or anyone else in order to do so. (3) Anything we feel is very important regarding the physicality of life adapt the lesson to their passion, do not diminish their passion in the lesson. With this approach the ultimate outcome will be mature, balanced, and creative adults.

Advisory board

Mike Reyes

B.Sc., M.Sc., R.H.N.

Mike Reyes is a Registered Holistic Nutrition (R.H.N.) practitioner with a diploma in Natural Nutrition from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Vancouver where he practices under his own consulting company, Nova Forte Nutrition and Wellness. He also holds degrees in Chemistry and Environmental Science. Mike has devoted almost 20 years to Quality Assurance as well as Product Development in the Canadian food manufacturing industry. His current interests include food and lifestyle relationships to human physical and psychological development as well as mind-body-spirit connections.

Cristina Aguirre

B.Sc., M.D. (Phils.)

Cristina Aguirre has a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and obtained her medical degree from the Philippines where she is a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician. She has also been involved with medical research studies in Vancouver as a research coordinator and with diabetes case management. Her interests include remedial food and lifestyle approaches to autism spectrum disorders and brain neuroplasticity

Ryan Deacon

Chief Operating Officer, Oracast

For the past 17 years Ryan has been focused on delivering web based solutions to small, medium, and enterprise sized businesses in Canada and the United States leveraging his knowledge of technology and his passion for improving business efficiency.

As the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of Oracast, a web and mobile app development company, he has been able to help organizations of all sizes increase profitability, streamline business processes, and improve their corporate web presence. He has always felt that the best approach to creating strong relationships has been to start by building a foundation of trust and integrity.

Ryan is also a proud father if 2 beautiful girls and spends all hours outside of work focused on his family and taking advantage of that time. He is a strong advocate for sports and as such plays as many as he can.


"My daughter has begun the MoonCEP© program with Christina Limmer at the beginning of this school year. Over the past 4 months we have begun to see marked changes in my daughter’s well-being. She has more confidence, has opened up more at school. She is comfortable handwriting and is developing a better grasp of time. I would highly recommend exploring what Christina’s program has to offer to anyone experiencing learning challenges.” ~ H.C. 2019, dyslexia
- Student age 13
He has noticed his “reading has got better” and “he can think better.” Mother reports, “I have noticed he can tell a story or communicate with me clearer and in proper chronological order.” Father reports, “He has more confidence, seems more sure of himself.” He is happier, overjoyed at times. His speech is much clearer. He wants to get out and do things; he’s full of life. His computer time has changed – he views it with purpose in mind. He starts at the beginning of a story, not in the middle.” It was noted the student is participating in the Christmas play for the first time since grade one. ~N.B. 2019, dyslexia
- Student age 11

What christina's friends are saying...

“I’m so impressed with your courage and stamina. Way to go! Thank you for the work you are doing to help others. I liked your FB page and will encourage others to do the same. I had a nasty fall with a head injury 1 1/2 years ago. And while I have not had anywhere near the struggles you have, it did affect my creative writing and focus so it takes longer to write than before. Thank you for addressing this huge issue that affects so many. ~ Joanne @ CB

“Christina is a driving force for change and is a role model for what true health is. She fights every day to be better which is so infectious and inspiring. I can not wait to see what she creates and how she helps others as she naturally already does. ” ~ Sarah Madelay

“This woman will change people’s lives. Her motivation and non-stop push to help others is something you don’t see everyday. She is very thoughtful, kind and passionate. The work she will do with others will be groundbreaking.” ~ Peter Jaklic

“I love that you took your life experiences and transformed any “negative” into a vastly positive thing, with neuroplasticity training for others. Bravo,you!” ~ Rainbow and Gray

“Good job. You made all this and you have a brain injury? Happy for you. Proud of you too.” ~ Mike Reyes